Friday, 8 April 2016

Unit 31: LO2 - Planning the studio photo shoot

I will be taking photos based around the theme of Sheffield and steel in the UTC studio. This is because in the studio I can more easily control the lighting and environment than any other part of the building. Because I can control the lighting easily in the studio by blocking the windows and other sources of light, it doesn't matter what time of day it is. The meaning I wish to communicate through the images is the importance of steel and how it has shaped not only UTC but Sheffield as well, but also how the steel industry has gone increasingly automated an Sheffield's steel industry is not as prominent as it once was. The equipment I would need is a camera, a tripod and a light so I can selectively project it onto the photos. The props I will need to do the photo shoot would be steel cutlery, the machines in the engineering side of the UTC. Using the lighting affects of darkness to show the degradation of the steel industry in Sheffield.
For camera settings I will use a narrow aperture to have a more high quality image, however this means I'm required to use the tripod for all my photos as it would take longer to take the photo. Also because my images will generally be of inanimate objects, it doesn't matter that it will take longer to do the photo, as there will be no movement. For shutter speed I will use a low speed, something like 1/2 a second as since the photos I'm taking are landscape photos and with no movement, so there is no danger of having a blurry photo with a low shutter speed. Finally I will be using a low ISO speed, to reduce image noise as much as possible and get a clearer photo.
Other camera settings such as a flash is not needed, as it would ruin the dark and melancholy tone of the photo. Also I will be using Macro for the photos in the shoot that require a close up, as it makes them more detailed and a more overall higher quality photo.

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